Melody in Prison:
Ngawang Choephel![]()
28 March Amnesty International issues appeal for Ngawangs release 23 October In response to congressional inquiries, Chinese embassy acknowledges Ngawangs detention 10 December Ngawang reportedly held in solitary confinement in Lhasas Sangyip Prison 24 December Ngawangs mother, Sonam Dekyi, appeals to Peoples Republic of China for his release 27 December Ngawang sentenced to 18 years imprisonment on charges of spying for US government
19972 January Responses to the sentence 10 January Sonam Dekyi requests permission to visit her son 11 January Voice of America editorial 17 January Bernard Sanders circulates Dear Colleague letter in House of Representatives 21 January Daniel Moynihan introduces Senate Resolution 19 30 January 48-hour fast held in Boston for Ngawang 4 February Musicians petition Vice President Al Gore 5 February Ngawangs appeal denied; second appeal made 6 February Dear Colleague letter to Albright from US Senate members 11 February Letter to Al Gore from Daschle delegation 26 February Tibet Day resolutions in Wisconsin 5 March Australian Senate passes motion no. 427 10 March US Senators speak of Ngawang
and Tibetan National Uprising Day11 March US Senate unanimously accepts SR 19 11 March US House members write to Albright,
initiate House Concurrent Resolution 447 June Free Tibet Campaign UK announces musicians petition to free Ngawang 28 July Chinese petitioned to allow maternal visitation 16 September Musicians petition campaign marks the second anniversary of Ngawangs imprisonment
199816 January European Union resolution on special representative to Tibet 3 February US State Department report on human rights practices in China 6 April Human Rights Watch urges British Prime Minister Blair to obtain information about Ngawang at European Union-China summit talks 3 June Sonam Dekyis year-long campaign to free or see her son 15 June Chaksam-pa presents petition to President Clinton seeking Ngawangs release 19 June Human Rights Watch Academic Freedom Committee urges President Clinton to champion Ngawangs cause in Beijing 1 July Sonam Dekyi hospitalised, released 16 July News of Ngawangs condition and location 16 September Third anniversary of Ngawangs imprisonment is marked by announcement that Sonam Dekyi will tour US East Coast in October - with Tour Itinerary 7 October Sonam Dekyi speaks at reception in Washington celebrating 50th anniversary of UN Declaration of Human Rights 15 October US Senators urge Chinese government to provide travel visa to Sonam Dekyi 15 October Sonam Dekyi at United Nations rally 20 October Sonam Dekyi receives Peace Abbey Courage of Conscience Award on behalf of her son 26 October Report of Sonam Dekyis visit to Middlebury College 26 October Itinerary of Sonam Dekyis European tour to free her son 5 November Ngawang reportedly transferred to Drapchi Prison in June, appeal denied 10 November New information about Ngawangs treatment in Nyari Detention Center 11 November BBC's Everywoman program broadcasts A Mothers Love and Pain 16 November The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy provides an update on Sonam Dekyis tour 22 November A summary of Sonam Dekyis campaign activities in Norway 28 November Ngawang reported to be held in Powo Tramo Prison since July 15 December 22 French and French-speaking organizations support A Mother's Appeal
199914 January Sonam Dekyi appeals to Mary Robinson, the UN Commissioner of Human Rights 1 March Tsering Norzom writes about Sonam Dekyis campaign to visit or free her son 7 March As worrisome news is received about the health of both Sonam Dekyi and Ngawang Choephel, 46 French groups join in supporting A Mother's Appeal 11 March U.S. Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues says administration is pressing hard to facilitate visitation privileges for Sonam Dekyi 5 April Protesters march in New Delhi while Tibetan Youth Congress prepares to resume hunger strike at United Nations in Geneva; demands include Ngawangs unconditional release 1 May Tibetan Youth Congress calls off hunger strike in Geneva 3 May Amnesty International USA Group #148 adopts Ngawang as a Prisoner of Conscience 10 May Tibetans and supporters in Australia call for boycott of Chinese-sponsored performing arts tour that especially in light of Ngawang's imprisonment illustrates their misuses and destruction of Tibetan culture 24 June The Washington Post reports on Sonam Dekyis vigil for her son; press attache at Chinese embassy in New Delhi denies knowledge of her 29 June Vermont resident making 270-mile freedom walk for Ngawang is briefly joined by U.S. Senator James Jeffords 23 July Letter from U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy in The Washington Post slams Chinese claim of ignorance about Sonam Dekyis appeal 20 September Vermont delegation to summit in New Zealand finds Chinese officials open to possibility of discussions about Ngawang 23 September Ngawang is reported to be suffering from tuberculosis and hepatitis 20 October Demands of protestors in Paris include Ngawangs immediate release 3 November U.S. Senator James Jeffords meets with Admiral Joseph W. Preuher, nominee for post of U.S. ambassador to China, to discuss Ngawangs case 5 November Vermont Congressional Delegation reports receiving letters from Ambassador Li Zhaoxingthe first official communication about Ngawangs condition and location since he was first detained in 1995 13 December Students for a Free Tibet issues call for letters supporting medical parole 16 December U.S. Senator James Jeffords urges physicians around the world to press for Ngawangs release; mentions the Sonam Dekyi Fund established last April
20006 January Working Group of U.N. Commission on Human Rights declares Ngawangs detention is in contravention of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1 February Reader's Digest Australia reports on Ngawang and his mother 14 February Amnesty International urges health professionals to join letter-writing campaign 25 February U.S. State Departments report on human rights in China in 1999 devotes a paragraph to Ngawang 2 March Director of International Campaign for Tibet testifies in Hearings on Human Rights in China and Tibet held by the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on International Relations 23 March U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy says Ngawangs case symbolizes the Chinese human rights violations that should be condemned by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights 17 April Report of the Special Rapporteur on Torture of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights says that, according to Chinese authorities, Ngawang was hospitalized in prison hospital for two months in 1988 for treatment of bronchitis, a lung infection, and hepatitis 19 May U.S. Senator Jim Jeffords says Chinese failure to observe the law in Ngawangs case led to his withdrawal of support for permanent normal trading relations 25 July Arrangements are announced for Sonam Dekyi to visit Ngawang in Tibet next week 9 August Ngawang allowed two visits with his mother and uncle in Chengdu prison; mental and physical condition continue to worsen 11 August Further details are released regarding controls and surveillance during Sonam Dekyis visit 11 August Amnesty International renews appeal for Ngawangs release 19 August Sonam Dekyi calls upon international community and China to effect Ngawangs release on medical grounds 19 August Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy voices fears of further torture 20 August The Hindustan Times also publishes Sonams account of her visit with Ngawang 27 September Reporters Sans Frontières writes to the Chinese minister of justice, Gao Changli, to request Ngawangs release
200220 January Ngawang released on medical parole to India via the USA; is now in care of the International Campaign for Tibet!!!!!! 23 January Ngawang issues a statement
Now that Ngawang is free...
These updates are based on information provided by Agence France Presse, Amnesty International, Associated Press, Boston Inquirer, British Broadcasting Corporation, Congressional Record, Human Rights Watch/Asia, International Campaign for Tibet, The New York Times, Office of Tibet - London, Tibet Information Network, Reuters, Students for a Free Tibet (SFT), Tibet People's Broadcasting Station (Lhasa), Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, US Department of State, US Government Printing Office, Voice of America, and Xinghua, and distributed by World Tibet Network News. Special thanks to John Hocevar of SFT and to Hansa Natola of the Australia Tibet Council-Perth.
The photograph of Ngawang Choephel is reprinted by permission of Kathryn Culley.